Is Gender Relevant When Sharing Accomplishment?

I came across an article today with the headline:

“16th-Century Nun’s Incredible ‘Last Supper’ Is Restored by an All-Female Team of Experts”

Image with headline 16th Century Nun's Incredible Last Supper Is Restored By An All-Female Team of Experts

Is it really necessary to put All Female in the title, suggesting that the team of people who restored this particular painting are special because they possess vaginas?

Pointing out the gender only suggests to me that centuries of women before are idiots and have historically not had the skills necessary to restore a painting. It also suggests that females have never restored paintings before, and it is historically significant to point out that females have succeeded in this work. Now, the vaginas are special because they have only recently acquired these unique skills.

This only belittles the gender and art conservators. Women have been art conservators in the past, there are many female art conservators today and nobody has felt the need to point out the gender, until recently.

Because of modern radical feminism, we now have to point out every accomplishment achieved by the vaginas.

I am a female, and I strongly believe that describing the team simply as a “Team of Experts” would have made the point. I see zero historical relevance in pointing out additional facts about the team, unless of course it was a team of giraffes who restored the painting. That would have been worth pointing out.

Along the same note, there are loud and open complaints that 2020's Oscar Award nominees are dominated by males. White males, in particular. Radical feminists are freaking out because there isn't enough “gender” or “racial” diversity in this year's awards.

This portion of the linked article above gets to me:

“The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2016 set a goal of doubling the number of diverse members by 2020 following outrage over a lack of Oscar nominees who were female or people of color.”

If the Best Director nominees are all white males, and if that really bothers you, then take your own directing to the next level. It doesn't matter who you are, do the work, develop a high-quality portfolio of work and get nominated. I don't see how gender or race representation of the submitted body of work is relevant or under The Academy's control.

This is America. You, as an individual have the same opportunities as anyone else to do what you want to do. American citizens have had this equality of opportunity for a very long time.

I do understand that opportunities are easier to come by for different classes, but we all have the opportunity to work and change our own financial situation. Yes, that may include working a little bit harder than others, but it is not impossible.

It is my (highly unpopular) opinion that people are using “minority”, “gender” and “race” as an excuse. The fact is, the majority of people don't want to put in the work, and they complain when accomplishment or opportunity isn't handed to them. This has absolutely nothing to do with race or gender.

The real fight is that we all have to compete with the Aristocracy, not with males, white males, or anyone else, regardless of their sex or race.
