The Uncommon


I came across an article today with the headline:

“16th-Century Nun’s Incredible ‘Last Supper’ Is Restored by an All-Female Team of Experts”

Image with headline 16th Century Nun's Incredible Last Supper Is Restored By An All-Female Team of Experts

Is it really necessary to put All Female in the title, suggesting that the team of people who restored this particular painting are special because they possess vaginas?


I don't know what wave of feminism we are in now, but the current wave is dark.

I am a woman who grew up in the 80s and came of age in the 90s. During the time I grew up, I never once felt oppressed or that I couldn't choose to pursue any life I wanted. I felt that I could speak freely, share opinions and have conversations with others without living on eggshells.


I am a female from the X generation. At one time, I was not so uncommon.

I have never been extremely liberal or conservative, nor have I ever been political. I was raised Catholic, but I am not religious. My childhood prepared me for a world that is rapidly ceasing to exist, and my disappointment is increasing.